Yuri on ice episode summary
Yuri on ice episode summary

And this opening scene is so great because it does just that – through visuals, it perfectly articulates Yuri’s feeling for victor. As the characters themselves will later explain, ice skating is special because it lets us articulate what we can’t say with words. My issue with this narration is that it undermines the whole philosophy of the show. But then we get a voice over, explaining the scene to us.

yuri on ice episode summary

We have this wonderfully animated scene of the Russian skater Victor performing a routine, as Yuri watches from the side, all in black and white. Yuri on Ice begins with a pre-credits scene that raised serious red flags. An anime like Yuri on ice felt inevitable.īut from the very start, I found myself worried. I remember hearing about a skater who performed dressed as Spike from Cowboy Bebop. And an anime about skating seemed especially interesting, since there is something inherently anime about people in costumes flailing their limbs and executing their special moves. And it’s too bad I have to be so critical, as I came in with such high hopes.

yuri on ice episode summary

Also, calling the following a review would be unfair, as it’s really more of a roast or a rant.

yuri on ice episode summary

I had planned to write a “review” of Yuri on ice, but I eventually went with this title, not only because it is more provocative and will get the blog more foot traffic, but because it is more accurate.

Yuri on ice episode summary